Yilan Community Development 3.0

Come to Yilan and pursue your dream to help develop society
In 2015, the "Yilan Supports Your Dream (Community Dream Building Project)" was implemented to encourage residents young and old who have dreams for their community to take action without having to join existing community organizations. Any group of three or more registered Yilan residents 18 years of age or older with a passion for community issues, local history and culture, literature, traditional arts or the environment can form a team and participate in community development.
From 2015 to 2017, a total of 15 teams were selected including Yilan Rooftop, Mennuoyang Youth Troupe, and Kalanmagu Workshop. In 2018, the selections’ include Aidingxing Lion Dance Troupe’s "The Aidingcheng Drum Beats Again - Fuxing Aidingxing Lion Dance Troupe Project", Lanyang Brass Quintet’s "Sanxing Township Dayi Community Scenic Concert", Yongyuan Meihao's "Preventing Dementia with Computer Games Project", LINart's "Mumu Art - The Stories of Han People Overlapping with Reality", Yilan Dao Dao Trip’s "Sheng'an Temple Oral History Project" and Township Life's "George Leslie Mackay's Toucheng Story". This innovative program helps the public to create dream building projects in their own communities.