Yilan Community Development 3.0

Yilan’s Dongcun Community
Dongcun Community was formerly known as Zhuangsan and is one of the earliest areas developed in Yilan. At the time, the largest settlements within Zhuangsan were Chengzaidi and Bufandianzai. Bufandianzai's name combines the words for sailcloth and store. Situated around the modern day Xiaoshe Lane and Donggang Road, a natural fabric dying factory was located here. The factory and its store became landmarks used to give directions, eventually giving the area its name. Since the Japanese Occupation, the Zhuangsan area has helped preserve Yilan’s traditional Taiwanese opera culture. Three National Heritage Award winners in the Taiwanese Opera category hail from Dongcun Community. Currently, local Zhuang- San Xin Liang-le Opera Troupe is very active in performing and handing down local operas. As part of this project, local resident meetings included performances of local stories used to focus resident attention on community issues and thereby further build community consensus and a shared development vision.