Yilan Community Development 3.0

Luodong Township’s Shulin Community
Luodong Senior High School is located within Shulin Community. Because of its proximity to education, it took the name Shulin, meaning forest, from the Chinese saying that it takes 10 years to grow a tree and 100 years to educate a person. Due to the location of the high school campus, part of the community is cut off from the rest. To resolve this issue, a community store was set up as an alternative to the event center, which makes flexible use of available space. To expand participation, the community held wide-ranging activities that included educational meetings, themed lectures, citizen participation activities, and discussions of issues and resident visions for the community. With frequent community activities, the community store has spread enthusiasm among residents. In the future, in coordination with the Long-Term Care 2.0 project, the community hopes to offer on-the-spot services at the community store to improve effectiveness.