Yilan Community Development 3.0

Toucheng Township
Toucheng Township Cultural Roots and Community Development Project
In 2017, the Toucheng Township Office held community development courses to train students to recognize and think deeply about Toucheng's rich history and culture and how to stimulate enthusiasm within the community towards its cultural heritage. In addition, nearly 260 elders were interviewed in a total of 26 urban villages in Toucheng and Jiaoxi Townships to record their oral histories. Toucheng was the first area in eastern Taiwan settled by immigrants from Fujian and Guangdong. The precious history and wisdom of our ancestors built up over the past 200 years must be preserved. These oral histories from elderly community members should be organized and fully utilized.

This year (2018), after systematic organization of the oral histories by the City Office, the stories were transcribed and the elderly contributors helped with proofreading and review of the text, which was then edited and printed. After a year-and-a-half-long process, the book, Our Touwei, was born. At the book launch, community elders were invited to personally tell their stories. In the future, the book will serve as the basis of native education curriculum. Completing this book has deep cultural and historical significance for Toucheng Township. Not only does it record priceless information about Toucheng, future generations will have access to the wisdom of their ancestors.