Yilan Community Development 3.0

Toucheng Township’s Gangkou Community
Gangkou Community is located on the northernmost edge of the Lanyang Plain. Meaning “harbor”, the community got its name from Wushi Port, designated by the Qing government as the only official harbor of the Kavalan Subprefecture. A natural fishery lies between Gangkou Community and Guishan Island. In the past, village residents would join forces to pull beach seines, a type of net, through the water and up on shore to catch fish. During the fall and winter months, inhabitants would build “eel huts” next to the water and at night catch baby eel at the water’s edge. In recent years, tourism has boomed as visitors come to enjoy the beaches at Wushi Port. Through community field surveys and resident motivation, part of this most recent project, the community examined residents’ developmental vision for its coastal lifestyle.