Yilan Community Development 3.0


為鼓勵對社造工作有夢想的青年及民眾,不受限於社區組織的投入,乃擴大民眾參與的機會,於2015年起推出「有夢.宜蘭挺你(社區築夢計畫)」。凡設籍宜蘭縣年滿18歲3人以上,對社區議題、地方文史、文學藝術、傳統藝術、環境空間等公共事務具有熱忱及夢想之民眾可以組隊一起參與。 2015年至2017年共徵選出如「厝尾頂」、「門諾漾青年團」、「卡浪馬固工作室」等15個團隊。2018年徵選出隘丁醒獅團的「讓隘丁城的鼓再次響起-復興隘丁醒獅團計畫」;蘭陽人銅管五重奏的「三星鄉大義社區景點音樂會」;永遠美好的「預防失智e起來-不插電長者程式遊戲行動方案」;林美術藝術工作室的「木木Art-與現實重疊的漢民記憶故事」;宜蘭逗逗行的「聖安宮耆老訪談計畫」及小鎮生活的「馬偕故事在頭城」等6案,展開非典型的宜蘭社造經驗,也協助民眾在社區展開築夢計畫。

Come to Yilan and pursue your dream to help develop society

In 2015, the "Yilan Supports Your Dream (Community Dream Building Project)" was implemented to encourage residents young and old who have dreams for their community to take action without having to join existing community organizations. Any group of three or more registered Yilan residents 18 years of age or older with a passion for community issues, local history and culture, literature, traditional arts or the environment can form a team and participate in community development.
From 2015 to 2017, a total of 15 teams were selected including Yilan Rooftop, Mennuoyang Youth Troupe, and Kalanmagu Workshop. In 2018, the selections’ include Aidingxing Lion Dance Troupe’s "The Aidingcheng Drum Beats Again - Fuxing Aidingxing Lion Dance Troupe Project", Lanyang Brass Quintet’s "Sanxing Township Dayi Community Scenic Concert", Yongyuan Meihao's "Preventing Dementia with Computer Games Project", LINart's "Mumu Art - The Stories of Han People Overlapping with Reality", Yilan Dao Dao Trip’s "Sheng'an Temple Oral History Project" and Township Life's "George Leslie Mackay's Toucheng Story". This innovative program helps the public to create dream building projects in their own communities.

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