Yilan Community Development 3.0


九芎舊城風華再現、審議式社區營造in 宜蘭

Yilan City Office

The return of Jiuqiong; Deliberative community development in Yilan
Comprehensive community development generally follows a top-down model. Heads of community organizations recruit volunteers to implement policies decided upon by the director-general or directors and supervisors of the organization, not regular members of the community. The Yilan City Office harnessed the energy of communities, associations, schools, and other organizations to encourage more direct participation in comprehensive community development efforts. By using a deliberative democratic process, with initiatives proposed directly by community members, citizens themselves discuss and consider the related issues, which results in a democratic community consensus.
This project will be implemented over two years. In 2018, the Yilan City Office set up the Community Development Platform and selected trial communities within which to promote the spirit of deliberative democracy. Then in 2019, the country government will appropriate funds within the budget to support trial communities continued implementation to achieve autonomy for citizens and build local consensus.
Following sustained contact and discussions with Yilan Community College and Youngsun Culture & Education Foundation, the Yilan City Office Department of Social Affairs utilized online promotion and official announcements to invite citizen participation. The Department then held a deliberative democratic participatory budget briefing. During the meeting, Qijie, Qizhang, Yanping, Baili, and Xindong were selected as the deliberative democracy trial communities. Following a counselor training course and discussion meetings, these five communities held resident proposal meetings and selected the most pressing issues to be addressed. On October 27, voting was held and those proposals receiving the greatest support within each community will receive priority for future implementation.

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